E3 may be kaput, but TGS is still going strong.
The Electronic Entertainment Expo called it quits for 2007, and it may have been due to its industry-only limitation. The Tokyo Game Show has always benefitted from being open to the public, and their attendance numbers for this year are once again sky-high: more than triple the attendees for E3 2006.
According to Japan's Computer Entertainment Supplier's Association, TGS 2006 boasted 192,411 during the three-day show, which is in stark contrast to the estimated 60,000 at this year's E3. Japan's biggest show brought in 176,056 visitors last year, but once again, they managed to top themselves.
CESA breaks down the daily numbers- There were 39,645 visitors for the first day of the event (which is open only to the press), 84,823 on the first general-admission day, and 67,943 on the last day. Interestingly enough, it appears more couples and families attended this year's event, as the number of children at the show was up by more than 4,000 over last year.
Now that E3 is gone, TGS is the year's biggest gaming event, and it will likely only get bigger as time goes on.