Well, maybe this well help Factor 5 release something better than Lair .
Today, one of the leading service providers of artificial intelligence for the games and simulation industries, xaitment GmbH, has announced they have formed a partnership with Factor 5. The two are pairing up so the developer can use xaitment's AI system in a "yet-to-be-announced multi-platform title." Lair might not have been too great, but Factor 5 is also responsible for the classic Turrican as well as the critically acclaimed Star Wars Rogue Squadron franchise. And with this new alliance, the AI in future Factor 5 titles should be excellent. From the press release-
"Interactivity is at the heart of games and distinguishes them from film. But the ability to simulate thousands of characters both graphically and with accurate physics is meaningless if their behavior is unconvincing," said Julian Eggebrecht, President of Factor 5. "The step up from mindless zombie to a clever human or alien adversary is the challenge for games of the future. To address this aspect of game design one of our main efforts is the development of a cutting-edge AI system.
To realize our ambitions we looked at the AI research field and found in xaitment an extremely promising partner with future-proof technology. Their engine combines the latest solutions and techniques in the field with a modular approach and can be used as a stand-alone product or in conjunction with existing technology. Key elements for us were not only the large set of features beyond traditional pathfinding — true AI has to include decision making tools, machine learning and team behavior — but also the inclusion of tools to facilitate editing and solve data issues. These tools speed up development and mitigate risk before and during production. We are looking forward to collaborating with xaitment on console technology to bring a truly multi-platform AI system to the market."
xaitment has worked to focus on "high-level AI solutions," and that includes the realistic interaction of NPCs (non-player characters), additional emotional intelligence, and complex team behavior. Now, we'd really like to know what this unannounced title is from Factor 5…as soon as we hear anything, we'll let you know.
Related Game(s): Lair
Why? the AI in lair was pretty good… That is why they sold over ten copies..