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Burnout 5 Announced

Criterion is letting the debris fly once again. Given the Burnout series' great success, it was inevitable that the it would continue on next-gen system (in this case, the PS3 and Xbox 360). Scheduled for release sometime in 2007, Burnout 5 is reported to feature a free-roaming vista known as Paradise City. The highways and biways of the metropolis will be clogged with traffic for you to plow through as you search out races and other events to complete. No longer will you have to run through a bunch of menus to start playing.

If you start causing too much havoc, you'll attract the attention of other burners who will challenge you in an extension of Burnout 4's Rival feature. What else makes this iteration different, though? More spectacular collisions. Next-gen power is making it possible for you to literally rip your car (or someone else's) right in half.

Criterion and EA are hyping this as a "complete reinvention of the series" and, so far, it's sounding pretty good!

Related Game(s): Burnout 5