Sony is primed to update the PlayStation Network User Agreement, and the changes will have a direct impact on both PS3 and PSP owners. As reported by, most of these updates center on uploading materials and content on the online service.
In addition to official game modifications and user content mods (fans of Unreal Tournament 3 know what we're talking about), this update should also prepare everyone for the release of the PlayStation Eye this month. Here's part of the new agreement you'll have to agree to:
"You may not take any action, or upload, post, stream, or otherwise transmit any content, language, images or sounds in any forum, communication, public profile, or other publicly viewable areas or in the creation of any Online ID that SCEA, in its sole discretion, finds offensive, hateful, or vulgar."
"This includes but is not limited to, any content or communication that SCEA in its sole discretion deems racially, ethnically, religiously, or sexually offensive, libelous, defaming, threatening, bullying or stalking."
And for those of you like to share things with friends, this new agreement will activate a feature on the PlayStation Network that will let you share official content like screenshots:
"You hereby authorize SCEA to use, distribute, copy, display, and publish information relating to your game play for gaming purposes including tournaments and ranking, without payment to you."
"In addition, you will have the option to post, stream or transmit pictures, photographs, game related materials, or other information through PSN to share with the PSN community ("User Material"), provided no rights of others are violated."
So there are plenty of things to look forward to when 2.0 arrives, so hop online, agree to the new terms, and take advantage of everything it offers.