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EA Announces New Survival/Horror Title

Today, EA has announced that their Redwood Shores Studio is currently hard at work on an original intellectual property that should "introduce a new experience to the sci-fi horror genre." …we had no idea such a sub-genre existed, but hey, it still sounds cool. This one will supposedly have some "psychological thrills" mixed in with the typical scary stuff, too. The title? Dead Space .

As the name implies, you'll be hanging out in the intimidating vastness of space, where you continually walk the tightrope between life and death. EA describes the atmosphere as one that causes the player to experience feelings of "tension, dread and sheer terror." Well, good, that sounds like the mark of an effective survival/horror game, doesn't it? We'll play as Isaac Clarke, an engineer who heads out on a routine communications systems inspection aboard a deep space mining ship. Of course, the crew just ain't themselves anymore – alien infestation virus! – so he's forced to fight his way through.

“This team has worked on some tremendous properties but we have always wanted to work on something that was darker and creepier," said executive producer Glen Schofield. "We are all such huge fans of the horror and sci-fi genres; we wanted to create the most terrifying game we could, and keep the player on the edge of his seat the entire time.”

We don't have a solid release date just yet, but EA expects to ship Deep Space some time in Fall 2008 for the PS3 and Xbox 360. For now, you can check out the first screenshots or visit the game's official website .