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New Gran Turismo HD Info

The official Japanese Gran Turismo site was updated today, and while there isn't
a whole lot of new info, it does include some screenshots from Gran Turismo HD.
In case you're wondering, GT HD was the souped-up version of Gran Turismo 4 that
Sony was showing off for the PlayStation 3 at E3. There wasn't any new content,
but the high-res textures and improved car models looked great.

One of the more interesting shots is of a motorcycle leading a
pack of cars with another bike bringing up the rear. Perhaps Tourist Trophy was
Polyphony's way of getting accustomed to programming a motorcycle game, and they
had a greater goal in mind. Until now, the series has never mixed motorcycles
and cars, but it looks like the next Gran Turismo is going to change that.

On the site there are some small screenshots that compare GT4 and GT HD side
by side on the Grand Canyon track. The screens are too small to really see any
details, but a quick comparison  shows the HD version features tons of
spectators, a couple billboards, all in a nice widescreen shot, while the GT4
screen has no spectators or billboards, and is in the 4:3 aspect ratio (though
GT4 could do widescreen).

Of course, Polyphony's company line is that GT HD doesn't represent a real
work in progress, but we all know a new Gran Turismo is in the works, so it's
nice to see in what direction the new title might be heading.