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European Store Updated Today

Slowly but surely, the European PlayStation Store is starting to catch up to the North American Store. And while it still has a ways to go, the updates are becoming more frequent – and more substantial – with each passing week.

Today's update includes a couple new PS1 classics to add to your collection, one strange little "interactive screensaver"/downloadable game, and one new trailer. The PS1 titles are MediEvil and Syphon Filter (kinda like the poor man's Metal Gear Solid , but still a good game), which are both available now for £3.49 each. Remember, you can play any PS1 title you download on either your PSP or PS3. The other downloadable we've been hearing so much about apparently doubles as an interactive screensaver and full game; it's LocoRoco Cocoreccho! , and you can pick it up now for £1.99. Lastly, a free "Jericho" trailer is awaiting as well.

Euro gamers may not have quite the same amount of content, but at least the updates seem consistent, right? And you know, somewhere deep down, you just have to see what LocoRoco Cocoreccho! is all about, so don't waste any more time. Get that freaky little title now!