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TGS 2007: Dual Shock 3 Confirmed

It may be less-than-giant news by now, but it's officially official: Sony has revealed the Dual Shock 3 for the PS3 at their conference at TGS.

Kaz Hirai has been saying he wants to incorporate gamer feedback into future Sony decisions, and the DS 3 is a product of this endeavor. The picture shown at the press conference looks exactly like the old Sixaxis, but it just says "Dual Shock 3" on it, and it appears attendees will get a chance to play around with it in the next few days. Some already noticed the rumble earlier today when sampling Burnout Paradise , which kinda makes this announcement a little less urgent.

But even so, all the rumors and speculation can finally cease. The rumble is coming back to a PlayStation console, even though we're not sure when just yet. The actual date and price is yet to be determined, but Sony has said they've overcome the difficulty of implementing rumble along with the tilt sensitivity. And thus…the Dual Shock 3. Sweet!