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Sony Issues Team Names For Wipeout HD

Gran Turismo 5 Prologue isn't the only hot title hitting the PlayStation Store this year; another racing pseudo-demo for those who want pure adrenaline is also on the way. Wipeout HD , which many are counting as a prelude to the full PS3 Wipeout project, should be arriving later this fall.

And now, Sony has revealed the 8 racing teams that will appear in Wipeout HD , and there are several recognizable names for fans of the fast-paced franchise. Check 'em out:

Ah, good ol' FEISAR; the default starting point of many a Wipeout title. Anyway, the rest should also look familiar with the exception of EG-X, which will pop up in Wipeout Pulse for the PSP. But as this is a Store download, perhaps we can expect some extra downloadable content in the future, which could lead to more available teams…

According to GamesRadar, there will also be 8 tracks to go along with these teams, and two of those tracks are Anulpha Pass and Chenghou Project, which were in Wipeout Pure . Sony has yet to unveil the other six, but apparently, two more will be taken from Wipeout Pulse . When more information becomes available, we'll be sure to let you know. In the meantime, you should be pumped for more than one Store title in 2007.

Related Game(s): Wipeout HD