Some time ago, Epic Games asked their fans in the community in their official forums to help 'em out: they needed a name for a new CTF map in Unreal Tournament 3 , and they wanted a gamer outside the team to name it. They'd accept one suggestion per person, and by the time this mini-competition was over, 60 different names had come in. Epic narrowed that down to 5, and then chose their favorite.
The five finalists were-
After much deliberation, Epic decided to go with CTF-OmicronDawn, suggested by forumite keyrat, who will now be listed in the credits on Unreal Tournament 3 . This is the kind of interaction more developers should have with their fans; in the future, we want a chance to name characters, levels, weapons, and all kinds of things! Just give us the chance, 'cuz everyone would love to see a small piece of their imagination pop up in a game.
Related Game(s): Unreal Tournament 3