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Bonus Content For Eternal Sonata PS3

We learned over the weekend that Namco Bandai is bringing Eternal Sonata to the PS3, but the news doesn't end there. As usual, when a game is announced for a new platform, we always look for the differences…as in extra content. Thankfully, according to IGN, it appears this version of the promising RPG will indeed have a few bonuses.

There will be several new events, which we don't know much about, but we do know they're supposed to provide gamers with a "deeper understanding of the storyline." In addition, the PS3 version of Eternal Sonata will also boast a couple new playable characters: Crescendo and Serenade. These exist in the 360 version of the game, but they weren't playable, so that's a definite upgrade. Crescendo throws down in battle with a deadly mace and shield combo while Serenade helps out with her heart-shaped staff. …er, we're hoping she has some magical power, too.

But hey, there's one more little detail: the developers are going to include a costume system that will let you change your characters' costumes at a whim! Eternal Sonata won't hit the PS3 until next year, but it appears all this extra stuff may be worth the wait.

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