This week's PSN update is pretty large, especially when it comes to media like demos and trailers. The European Store may be a touch behind, but the U.S. Store is percolatin', that's for sure. Without further ado, here's the full list of goodies freshly added to the Store, courtesy of the official PlayStation blog:
Downloadable Games
PixelJunk Racers ($6.99) – A single and multi-player slot car racing game, with 32 modes, 10 tracks and online rankings.
High Stakes on the Vegas Strip: Poker Edition ($9.99) Ante up! Play limit or no-limit poker in five different game types. There’s single player mode or you can play up to five others online.
Trailers, Videos, Wallpapers
There's plenty of stuff to download and view, so get to it! If you've been looking for another reason to pick up Warhawk , via either regular retail or the Store, than maybe you should check out that new trailer. The more the merrier online!