Okay, there seems to be a bit of an issue regarding the Heavenly Sword launch.
Initially, the game was scheduled to release yesterday, which would imply it's actually on store shelves right now. But unfortunately, retailers are fighting to understand what's going on: those who pre-ordered the game at GameStop/EB may have gotten several phone calls. The first said it was arriving on September 12, but chances are, they got another one yesterday saying it wouldn't be available until some time this afternoon. It appears distributors simply weren't able to ship the game in time…either that, or September 12 was the original ship date all along.
A Game Crazy representative spoke to GameRevolver about the issue, and had this to say-
"We received an email from corporate just a few moments ago that stated the game will not hit our stores until tomorrow morning after delivery," the rep said. "It would be safe to say that we won’t have the title until mid-day tomorrow, We did receive Dirt on time though if anyone is interested."
This seems to be the case for all retailers throughout the U.S., so if you had planned to pick up Heavenly Sword yesterday but came away disappointed, don't fret. There's no delay; the game is simply one day late, even if the retailer didn't know what was going on.
Related Game(s): Heavenly Sword