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Upcoming Euro PSN Titles Dated

European gamers may be annoyed that they don't receive the same frequency of updates as U.S. gamers at the PlayStation Store. But hey, that doesn't mean Sony is completely ignoring you guys. Thanks to the Euro wesbite PS3Only, we've got a big list of downloadable titles for your Store, complete with estimated – and even exact – release dates.

This gathering of games looks pretty darn agreeable to us, but you judge for yourself:

As you cans see, most all of the upcoming anticipated Store titles are here, including Gran Turismo 5 Prologue , Wipeout HD , and LocoRoco Cocoreccho! , the last of which comes out next week. Furthermore, none of these estimated dates seem too far behind any dates we've heard for the U.S., and that's even better news. So chin up, Euro gamers!