While the flow of downloadable content for the PlayStation Store has increased in Europe, it still lags far behind the U.S., and this isn't going over well with gamers across the pond. Many of them recently came together over at Sony's semi-official blog, ThreeSpeech, to complain about the matter to Sony Computer Entertainment Europe. Really, all they want is content "at least on par" with what we here in the States receive.
They've never really offered a specific explanation as to why downloadable content appears to be lacking in Europe, but many attribute it to language translation issues. Others say it's due to the increased complications caused by getting all the content through the ratings system for each country in Europe. But whatever the reason, most Euro gamers simply aren't happy with the selection thus far.
The only real question is, will SCEE respond at all? At this point, they might just be happy with a logical excuse, even if Sony can't deliver equal content. But we have to admit, we haven't seen any sort of official response regarding this issue, so perhaps this mini-uprising will coerce Sony into action.