At this point, Killzone 2 is loosely scheduled for "TBA 2008," but the latest development update has sparked some interesting speculation. Basically, everyone's starting to wonder if the game is a little further along than initially expected…
In one of his most recent blogs over at, QA manager Seb "motherH" Downie talks about how his team is busy with the online portion of Killzone 2 . Typically, the online aspects of any game get tender loving care after the major gameplay foundations are in place…so exactly how far along is Guerilla? Seb's blog post is below-
"Me and my boys have been mostly busy testing Online this past week and making sure that the rewards and ranking are working as intended as well as checking the collision and geometry for MP02, also known as “Road Block” currently, but I’m sure it’ll get a much more exciting name before release. I can’t really give you much in the way of details about Multiplayer otherwise, even though I am itching to share it all with you. I guess you’ll have to wait a wee while longer though."
We'd certainly like to hear more about "Road Block," too. Collision and geometry appear to be awfully crucial in the development of any game – especially a shooter – and we've heard whispers of just how advanced the tech behind Killzone 2 is. Could this be another example?
Related Game(s): Killzone 2