Midway has already released Stranglehold for the Xbox 360 (it ships out today), but PS3 and PC gamers will have to wait a couple more weeks; the game hits shelves on the 17th (or 18th) of this month. However, while 360 owners had the benefit of the early release and a kick-ass playable demo on Xbox Live, the latter bonus is now an option for PS3 owners as well.
A Midway Games Community Moderator has confirmed that we will see a playable demo – presumably the same one that's on the Live Marketplace – amongst Thursday's PlayStation Store updates. It seems perfectly logical that we'd see such a demo, a couple weeks before the game's official launch. They did the same thing on the 360 side of things, so it seems they're simply following suit with the PS3 and the PlayStation Store. From what we heard regarding that demo, it's enough to make you action aficionados salivate; that jaw-dropping explosive action could quite literally make you drool. We're not even kidding.
So we'll be on the lookout for that demo tomorrow, and if/when it arrives, we strongly suggest you give it a shot. It should be well worth the download time.
Related Game(s): Stranglehold