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Midway And Epic’s Map-Naming UT3 Contest

Love everything about Unreal Tournament ? Want to play a small – yet very personal – role in the upcoming UT3 this fall? Well, Midway and Epic Games have just the contest for you- they're looking to the UT community and fans to name the next map currently being prepared for the game.

If this interests you, head on over to the official UT forums and enter a name that best fits the new previously unrevealed map (pictured in the forums). If you succeed in applying exactly the correct label for this particular playground of destruction and mayhem, you will see your name in the credits of the final game! So check it out, submit your best title idea for the map, and you just might become a part of development history.

Scheduled to ship in November for the PS3 and PC, Unreal Tournament 3 is rarin' to go, and we've no doubt Epic is readying another gem. We have complete faith in their skills, but it's also great to see them incorporating their fans into the process. The more consumer interaction the better, right?

Related Game(s): Unreal Tournament 3