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Analysts: 80GB PS3 Price Drop For Holidays

Just before E3, Sony dropped a bomb…and then followed it up with another one, but they managed to dampen the explosive effect of that second giant announcement. You all know the story by now- they announced the $100 price drop of the 60GB PS3 (dropping the price from $599 down to $499) and then almost immediately followed this up with the 80GB PS3 unveiling. This newest model would at first come with a copy of MotorStorm , but nevertheless, it would cost $599, which kinda makes the price drop almost non-existent.

Now, the 60GB PS3 is rapidly disappearing, and the 80GB is poised to replace it. At the same time, everyone is wondering if a price drop is just around the corner, if only to appease the masses who were a bit put off by the aforementioned situation. Well, according to GameSpot, two industry analysts have predicted that 80GB PS3 price cut may not be far off. Wedbush Morgan Securities' Michael Pachter and Edward Woo say the new 80GB model will get the same $100 price reduction treatment, so as to push holiday sales.

"The PS3 will remain at $499, with the 80GB model replacing the 60GB model at that same price point," Pachter said.

Furthermore, the two analysts believe Sony might drop the price again in early 2008 so as to take advantage of giant game releases like Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots . Could we be looking at a $450 or even a $400 PS3 in less than 6 months…? Only time will tell.