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Sony To Make 725k Shares of Holdings Group Public

Sony has issued an announcement today stating that they'll be releasing 725k shares of their holdings/insurance group Sony Financial Holdings. The decision likely came about with Sony wanting to raise some additional funds. The prediction is that they'll use much of the estimated $2.86 billion (332 billion yen) they'll gain from selling the shares on additional television production (the Bravia line) and infusing Sony Computer Entertainment with the dough.

In other words, Sony likely wants to ramp up production on Bravias, which in turn could mean a significant price-drop. Meanwhile, with the additional coin in SCE's pocket, it furthermore makes another price-drop of the PlayStation 3 more likely. The question is when? Our prediction is something small this Holiday, and something big next Spring.

Mitsuhiro Osawa, analyst at Mizuho Investors Securities, said, "Sony could use the funds for various options to strengthen its electronics and game businesses. A cut in the price of the PlayStation 3 is one option." Osawa rates Sony "outperform," meaning that he thinks Sony shares will do better in the near future than the market overall