For European gamers, PlayTV was probably the biggest PS3-related announcement of the Games Convention 2007 in Leipzig. This feature will allow your PS3 to become a TV recorder, which can also be remotely controlled with the PSP. Further, it appears to be a feature that will be exclusive to Europe, as the U.S. simply isn't equipped to handle the concept.
Anyway, it appears the Official PlayStation Magazine has hinted at a price for the little PlayTV box, and an estimated window (but one we kinda already knew about). The quote in question reads as follows:
"While you could easily sink £60 – 100 each on a Freeview receiver, PVR and Sling Box, the rumour is that Play TV will cost around £70."
The magazine states that PlayTV should launch in Europe some time between January and April next year, which of course would put it in the first quarter or early second quarter. Euro gamers, you got one over us with PlayTV, so you better take advantage when the time comes. It's a great idea, isn't it?