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Burnout Paradise Pushed Into 2008

Many of the big-name titles originally slated for 2007 have slipped into 2008 – Grand Theft Auto IV , Devil May Cry 4 , etc. – and another one, only a bit less huge, has also been delayed into next year.

The next installment in one of the most critically acclaimed racing franchises in the industry is now scheduled for Q1 2008: Burnout Paradise will not make its initial 2007 release date, according to a recent confirmation by EA. They say the development is nearing completion, but they "want to make it perfect," so they're taking the extra time. It's too bad we have to wait for this hectic, fast-action title, but hey, we say give 'em the time if they need it. After all, attention to detail is exactly the thing that made prior entries in the series so damn good.

Oh well, at least you arcade-style racing junkies will still get Need for Speed ProStreet this year, right?

Related Game(s): Burnout Paradise