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EGM Favorably Reviews Heavenly Sword, Warhawk

Some of the best games of the year are just over the horizon, and a few are already available. It appears we're going to have a fantastic holiday season, and every console owner will benefit from a top-notch library of games. But as we all know, review scores fuel sales, so it's always a good idea to look at the critic feedback on massively hyped titles.

Well, three high-profile games were reviewed in this month's EGM, and it appears they've come away quite impressed with all of them. Two are exclusive to the PS3 and the other is a Xbox 360 exclusive…despite all the rumors of the game possibly arriving for the PS3 in 2008. The highest reviewed game, with three perfect 10s and the Game of the Month Award is – not surprisingly – Bioshock . We can't say it's perfect, but we do agree it's one of the best games of the year by far.

But for PS3 owners, two great games are on the way; one of them is slated to hit store shelves tomorrow. The latter is, of course, Warhawk , which EGM gave two 8.5s and a 7 (stay tuned for our review!) The other is slated to become available on September 12, and that's Heavenly Sword , which netted two 8s and a 9. Both are looking like must-have titles at this point, especially if you enjoy fast-paced action. Hey, we were promised good things in 2007, and it appears developers are already making good on those promises.

Related Game(s): Warhawk , Heavenly Sword