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Killzone 2 Using 2GB For Each Level

In the need of more hot Killzone 2 details? Well, the GC 2007 last week provided a few new and interesting tidbits, and the info is flying around the Internet at warp speed.

First of all, you've seen just how detailed this game will be, thanks to the debut trailer and a horde of recent screenshots. But we're willing to bet you couldn't guess the actual size of each level: 2GBs. Yes, that's right, each level take up an absolutely absurd 2 gigabytes of space. That's half a DVD! Of course, this is the very reason Guerilla is using Blu-Ray, but it's also another piece of evidence that says dual-layer Blu-Ray may not be very far off…

Furthermore, with so much detail getting jammed into the PS3's Cell and RSX processors, the game will only be able to run at 30fps in 720p resolution. Granted, we don't get the 60fps, but at least the resolution is still high-definition, right? Don't whine about the 30fps, either; the amount of polygons in one soldier's face is (supposedly) similar to the number of polygons used in an entire level in the original Killzone . We've heard that claim before, but there's only one way to validate it: let us play it, damnit! We want that beta.

Killzone 2 will undoubtedly be one of the biggest releases of 2008, and despite all the hoopla surrounding it now, you can probably expect it to increase ten-fold come Q1 2008.

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