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GC 2007: Sony, FIFA Reveal Interactive World Cup

Sony and FIFA have just announced they will be presenting partners for the FIFA Interactive World Cup, which is exactly what Microsoft used to do before Sony arrived with the PS3. Players from all around the world will be able to compete in the upcoming FIFA 08 game, but you'll have to prove your skill first.

From October 2007 through May 2008, you will get a chance to "show off your gaming skills at more than 20 physical qualifying events" and others on that Internet. The top 32 players will then face off at the Sony Centre in Berlin in May 2008, to prove once and for all who is the king of virtual futbol. More information on the FIFA Interactive World Cup can soon be found online, just as soon as they get a few things squared away.

And perhaps best of all for PS3 owners, it actually seems as if this game has been specifically designed with Sony's Cell processor in mind. They went on to actually play FIFA 08 in front of the crowd at the conference, and they showed off technical-sounding things like "organic building-block skill moves" and how you use the right stick to build them up. They have also said you'll be able to "play as yourself" in the Interactive World Cup, which is another big bonus for those in need of a little personal customization.

The presenter finished by saying that "all 22 players are making 1000 decisions per second" during the gameplay, and he called it a "level of intelligence never before seen" in a soccer/futbol game. Well, we certainly can't wait for it, and now, you fans will probably want to get involved in this massive worldwide tournament…right? Yeah, you know you want to.

Related Game(s): FIFA 08