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GC 2007: Sony Presents Impressive Sales & Growth

Not surprisingly, Sony has kicked off their press conference with updated sales figures and other relevant statistics. These involve both the PS3 and PS2, and just about all these numbers are pretty darn rosy.

To this point, here are the important stats provided by Sony's David Reeves- there have been nearly 5 million PS2s sold in Germany to date, and he points to "emerging markets as a key driver." He moved on to say that "sales of hardware and software continue to exceed all our expectations." The PS2 has the biggest installed userbase in video game console history, and in total, there have been over 500 million pieces of software produced. "And it's still outselling our dear colleagues the Xbox 360 weekly by a ratio of three-to-one," finished Reeves (haha).

As for the PS3, he says that 65 titles will be available in Europe for the PS3 by this Christmas, which goes along nicely with the "stunning" launch of the console last March. So far, they've sold 13 million units to consumers throughout Europe and – obviously – the top-selling games have been Resistance: Fall of Man and MotorStorm (both million-sellers worldwide). It seems the PS3 is actually growing at a "faster curve" than the PS2 did in the first three months in Europe, Reeves noted, and called it "an impressive pattern of growth." In the end, he's projecting that 140 million PlayStation consoles will be in PAL territories by 2010.

More info to come from the Sony press conference! You're reading the first full news stories here as early as humanly possible.