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PlayStation Store Update: August 16th

A great update for the North American PlayStation Store, as
we've got an assortment of demos, trailers, videos, and
wallpapers. Of course the game demos is what 95% of you come to
the PS Store for, and this week doesn't disappoint. We've got a
demo for DiRT, the all new Colin McRae game, and a demo for NCAA
Football '08. The making of Heavenly Sword part 2 has been
uploaded, as well as Animated Prologue part 2 (of 5 parts) to
Heavenly Sword. A new Folklore trailer has gone up, as well as a
TimeShift trailer.

Oh, and nothing decent hit either the European or Japanese store.
All Europe got was an Armored Core 4 demo, which we've had for
months now.



NCAA Football '08 demo


Heavenly Sword – Animated Prologue: Legend of the Sword (part 2
of 5)

Making of Heavenly Sword part 2

Folklore "A Tale of Two Strangers" Trailer



Heavenly Sword Anime no. 2

Two Blast Factor: Advanced Research wallpapers