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Heavenly Sword Official Site Updated

If you're one of the many who simply can't wait to get their hands on Heavenly Sword next month, you're probably downloading all the "Making Of" goodies on the PlayStation Store and playing that sweet demo over and over. But don't forget about the official site , which has just undergone a major upgrade.

It sports a different interface now, and they've added a ton of stuff. Now, in addition to the wallpapers, screenshots, and video clips, they've got a movie playing on the home page that is Heavenly Sword , anime-style. You may have noticed these little episodes on the Store. Ninja Theory has also presented us with more trailers and a sold dose of back-story to keep everyone interested until the game's release. You can even hear the developers talk a bit about their hot title in Episode One: Introduction, which lets you in on some of those behind-the-scenes creative secrets.

Heavenly Sword is slated to launch on September 12, but in the meantime, Ninja Theory and Sony are really ramping up the hype with all this Store and website content.

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