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Media Create Japan Hardware Sales: July 30th-Aug. 5th

Yet another batch of surprises lie in the hardware Media
Create numbers, where the PlayStation 3 continues to sell
reasonably well. Following the release of Hot Shots Golf 5, the
PlayStation 3 managed to sell another 24k systems. Meanwhile,
sales of the Nintendo Wii amounted to 61.5k units, and that's a
drop of 16k units. But we're still not certain if the Wii is
supply constrained in Japan, or not.

The PSP and PlayStation 2 remain in their similar states,
meanwhile the Xbox 360 drops 1k in sales. And of course, the
Nintendo DS sells yet another extremely large quantity, nearing
136k in total. Next week, sales of the PlayStation 3 will
probably settle around 15k again. August will be a dead month for
the PS3, but perhaps Koei's epic, Blade Storm, will make some
sort of impact.

Nintendo DS 135,729
Nintendo Wii 61,498
Sony PSP 33,886
Sony PS3 24,289
Sony PS2 12,784
Xbox 360 2,691

July 22nd-29th:

Nintendo DS 150,584
Nintendo Wii 77,169
Sony PSP 35,068
Sony PS3 28,829
Sony PS2 11,757
Xbox 360 3,872