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Source Confirms Two Rock Band Details

All the rumors may have just been confirmed…despite the fact we still have to call this latest piece of evidence a rumor. Unfortunately, in the journalistic world, we can only rely on official statements from the sources themselves in order to assign the "fact" label. But even so, an "anonymous Microsoft employee" has issued a supposed confirmation to GamePro regarding Rock Band .

Firstly, EA wanted to convince us they would make this game "affordable," and everyone seemed a bit surprised when it first popped up on retail lists for $199.99. We had trouble verifying the price, though, as EA never stepped forward and confirmed it as a final package cost. However, this Microsoft employee has said that price tag is indeed correct. Furthermore, a product listing showed a wireless guitar included in the PS3 and Wii bundles, but the 360 version of the game would only have a wired guitar.

The employee also confirmed that this was correct as well; the 360 version would indeed have the wired guitar. The other pieces of the set are the same (microphone and drum kit), but this is bound to disappoint 360 owners and fans of music games. It seems Sony and Nintendo have the advantage with Rock Band , but at $199.99, it's only $50 less than the entire Wii console… We hope to hear more about these details – ideally, from EA – but for now, this is what we call "psuedo-confirmed information."

Rock Band is scheduled to arrive for the PS3 and Xbox 360 on November 6, and on a currently unannounced date for the Wii.

Related Game(s): Rock Band