When "analyst" Michael Pachter talks, we usually don't want to listen. But because it is our job, we still do it. So when the Wedbush Morgan "analyst" said that he believes Sony will drop the price of the PlayStation 3 next March to coincide with the release of Gran Theft Auto IV and Metal Gear Solid 4, a horde of gamers from message boards all across the internet let out a collective "duh" – thanks for telling us something we could've predicted ourselves.
Yes, it's no secret that the delay of GTAIV may actually play to Sony's advantage, allowing them to drop the price of the PS3 some more just in time for a number of huge blockbuster releases. And further down the list of 'duh' statements, Pachter believes that Sony will finally give into price-dropping the PlayStation 2, possibly into the magic $99.99 field.
"Although we do not expect another PS3 price cut this year, we think a price cut for the PS2 is possible," Pachter said. "Any hardware price reduction could serve as a catalyst for sales growth later in the year."
To Pachter's credit, I can't say he's 'wrong' about any of this, but he is stating the obvious, though.