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Sony – Once Again – Denies Rumbling Sixaxis

It's always the same deal in the saga of the force-feedback Sixaxis: rumor appears , Sony steps up several days later to deny, deny, deny. …and things haven't changed a bit.

During an interview with GamePro, while he did acknowledge motion sensing enhancements for the PS3 controller, Sony's Dave Karraker has said – quite simply – they have not added rumble to the Sixaxis.

"We have not added rumble [to PS3], and have no announcements regarding this feature," said Dave Karraker, Sony's director of corporate communications.

We had already known about the motion sensing upgrade, as the news broke a little while ago that Sony is quietly phasing out the controllers from launch and replacing them with slightly enhanced models. Karraker elaborates on that process a bit.

"From time to time, we make minor enhancements to the controllers for our platforms. We recently sent out to the development community some new prototypes that have a slightly enhanced sensitivity for the analog sticks and the motion sensing within the Sixaxis controller," he said. "This is not a new controller, but is part of the normal development and evolution of controllers."

Sony's Phil Harrison issued a well-documented quote back in February concerning the force-feedback of controllers; he believes it's a "last-generation feature." Obviously, fans of the rumble didn't like this, and there was a large outcry. But despite all the news, rumors, and speculation, only one thing remains a definite fact: Sony has not confirmed the existence of any rumbling Sixaxis.