It's about that time: Warhawk time, that is. The game's director, Dylan Jobe, put up a big post over at the official PlayStation blog, informing everyone that this one has gone gold. He also offered some other juicy little tidbits.
First of all, both the Blu-Ray and downloadable versions of the game have gone gold, and they will go on sale at the same time: August 28. Jobe confirms that the retail Blu-Ray version is more of a "premium version," as it includes expanded video content, traditional package and manual, plus that Jabra Bluetooth headset we've been hearing about. As confirmed before, the price tag is $59.99. But what about all the elusive details for the downloadable version? Do we finally have the answers? Aw, we won't hold you in suspense: yes, we do.
The PlayStation Store version of Warhawk will cost $39.99 and Jobe says he's "really glad that SCEA came through with a 'good value' price…it's the right thing to do." He says it's a great option for those who don't want to spend the extra cash for the headset, and also says the game in general is "fun to play for 70+ hours." Well, we had a lot of fun with the beta, and it's easy to see just how fast 70 hours can disappear.
Lastly, Jobe talks a bit about the beta, and says the team was carefully watching the statistics during the testing. Why? They wanted to pin down the top 100 players by examining the Bonus Points category, and those lucky – and skilled – 100 will be getting a little gift- you will receive a "Top-BETA Players" award in the mail very soon, and it features a "really nice print of the box-art, signed by the team and a very, very limited edition metal Warhawk Wings pin!" How sweet is that?
Well, the constant rumors and speculation concerning Warhawk sure were fun to write in the past few months. It's almost sad to see everything cleared up…almost. Because in the end, everything is on track, and we just can't wait to hit the skies again!
Related Game(s): Warhawk