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PSM3: GRAW 2 Nets High Score, Big Games Featured

Those of you who have a PS3 might subscribe to PSM3, which is…well, exactly what it sounds like. The Internet is a-buzz with the latest issue, because it's jam-packed with all kinds of cool stuff, including a Heavenly Sword interview with Andy Serkis (more info on the game is provided; for example, we know it has 6 acts and 48 missions) and several major previews. The likes of Killzone 2 ($40 million project!), Grand Theft Auto IV , Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots , Resident Evil 5 , and Assassin's Creed are all here.

But perhaps the most encouraging is an early review of the upcoming Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter 2 , which received a very promising score. The final score given was 86/100, and you know what that means: consumers will be considering a purchase. They also reviewed the Hitman Triple Pack (90/100) and oddly enough, Manhunt 2 (83/100). We hadn't expected to hear more from that game so soon, especially when it comes to an actual review.

But anyway, GRAW 2 is lookin' good, and if you haven't already decided to peruse this month's PSM3, you might want to check it out.

Related Game(s): Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter 2