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Media Create Japan Hardware Sales: July 23rd-29th

As expected, the Japanese release of Hot Shots Golf 5 gave the
PlayStation 3 a much needed boost in sales. Sony's powerhouse has
been dragging its feet in Japan, and hasn't seen a decent spike
in sales since the release of Gundam Musou way back in March –
not even Ninja Gaiden helped. While it's highly unlikely the
momentum will last past this week, the boost does illustrate the
reasons why the PlayStation 3 is in such a slump – no consistency
between release of notable software.

Sales of the Nintendo Wii went unaffected by the release of Mario
Party 8, as the console sold 77k, which is around it's average of
sales. But when sales are as high and consistent as the Wii's,
boosts tend to not happen as much. In addition to that, the Wii
continues to have supply constraints in Japan. And rounding out
the report is the PSP, which continues to sit comfortably in its

Nintendo DS 150,584
Nintendo Wii 77,169
Sony PSP 35,068
Sony PS3 28,829
Sony PS2 11,757
Xbox 360 3,872

July 16th-22nd:

Nintendo DS 154,504
Nintendo Wii 86,786
Sony PSP 32,894
Sony PS2 14,059
Sony PS3 12,187
Xbox 360 2,664