You may, by now, have heard some rumblings of Sony securing an all-new exclusive franchise from Rockstar to be released for the PlayStation 3. When asked if the franchise was LA Noire in a podcast on GameHead, Jack Tretto noted that it wasn't, and stressed the fact that this IP is completely new.
What does this mean? It means that it isn't any existing IP in Rockstar's library, so its not a new Manhunt game, a new Bully, or even State of Emergency. This title is one that Rockstar has yet to announce. But Sony seems to be quite impressed with whatever they've seen of it, thus far.
On the official PlayStation Blog, Director of Third Party Relations, Michael Shorrock, stated: "As part of our long standing relationship with Rockstar, and the incredible success for both companies with the cultural icon that is Grand Theft Auto we've agreed to the PlayStation exclusive rights of the next great franchise from the Rockstar studios."
He continued, "Rockstar really wanted to make a game that you can truly only do on PS3, harnessing the power of CELL and Blu-ray disc and this deal lets them do just that.. This is really a win-win situation for both companies. As Jack mentioned in the interview with Geoff, this franchise is not LA Noire, but something all new. We agreed with Rockstar and Take-Two Interactive Software that we wouldn’t disclose anything more about the deal or title at this time, so stay tuned, we’ll share more info as soon as we can.
Shorrock loosely mentions that he believes the new IP from Rockstar is one of those that will "set the bar for the rest of the industry."