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Heavenly Sword Release Dates Confirmed

There are plenty of reasons to be excited about Heavenly Sword , especially after the great E3 showing and that very cool – although very short – PlayStation Store demo . So of course, we're sure you all want release date confirmation for every territory, right?

Nariko will embark on her noble quest of vengeance (if vengeance quests can actually be "noble") at exactly the time we expected: Heavenly Sword will ship to North America on September 4, which is great news for action aficionados. European gamers won't have to wait much longer, as they'll receive the game on September 14, with an Australian release one week later on September 20. As of now, the game is still a big "TBA" for Japan.

After indulging in the greatness of Ninja Gaiden Sigma for a few months, we'll be in need of another top-notch action extravaganza, and Heavenly Sword should fit the bill. September 4, ladies and gents…just remember, that's the ship date, so don't expect the game to actually arrive on store shelves until September 5.

Related Game(s): Heavenly Sword