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June 07 NPD: Hardware Sales (Canada)

Some more NPD numbers for you, folks, and these come from Canada. With an extremely impressive showing in the United States, Nintendo managed to wow the north with the Wii and DS. Both units took in boat load of sales, as the Wii actually sold more than the DS: 53,000k to 45,700k. In Japan/Asia, Europe, and the Americas handhelds always outsell console hardware, but not in Canada. Likewise, it doesn't seem very unusual for Canadians to prefer consoles, as the PlayStation 2 also outsold the PSP. The PlayStation 3 continues to be quite expensive for the north, but the recent price-drop should remedy that for the July NPD results.

Nintendo Wii: 53,000

Nintendo DS: 45,700

Sony PS2: 21,000

Sony PSP: 18,500

Xbox 360: 13,500

Nintendo GBA: 8,800

Sony PS3: 6,500