With Nintendo dominating hardware sales, the software side
isn't looking any different. Mario Party 8 stole the show by
selling 426k games. Further away is the everlasting Wii Play
bundled with the remote, selling 293k copies. Pokemon continues
to prove that diamonds are more desirable than pearls, as the
Diamond version sold 288k, while Pearl took in a much lower 215k.
Breaking the streak is Microsoft's sim-racer Forza 2. Guitar Hero
2 continues to remain on the charts for both the PS2 and Xbox
360. More importantly, Resident Evil 4 shows that it's still got
balls even today, as the Wii re-release sold 150k. Take-2s The
Darkness trailed behind with 143k.
1. Wii Mario Party 8: 426k
2. Wii Play w/ remote: 293k
3. NDS Pokemon Diamond Version: 288k
4. NDS Pokemon Pearl Version: 215k
5. 360 Forza Motorsport 2: 197k
6. PS2 Guitar Hero 2 w/ Guitar: 197k
7. 360 Guitar Hero 2 w/ Guitar: 178k
8. Wii Pokemon Battle: 158k
9. Wii Resident Evil 4: 150k
10. 360 The Darkness: 143k