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Famitsu’s Most Wanted: FF XIII, RE 5, MGS 4

It's time to take a gander at the current state of Famitsu magazine's "Most Wanted" list, and once again, we see that four of the top five are PS3 games, with Final Fantasy XIII , Resident Evil 5 , Monster Hunter 3 , and Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots going 2-5. Halo 3 has squeezed back into the top 20 after falling off the list for a while, and both Devil May Cry 4 and Gran Turismo 5 remain firmly in the latter half of the draw.

We'd also like to point out that Hot Shots Golf 5 is high on the list at #7, but oddly enough, we really haven't heard much about the game at all. Granted, it's far more popular in Japan, but even so…how's about an update on HSG 5, Sony?

Here's the list: