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Heavenly Sword Online Multiplayer Rumor: Debunked

Earlier last week, rumors began to fly about online muliplayer becoming available for Heavenly Sword soon after the game launches. There was even a tentative date attached to the rumor (November 2007), and it said the feature would come from a downloadable add-on from the PlayStation Store.

Among the features rumored: custom online warriors, downloadable accessories, equipment, and other items for your character, and multiple gameplay modes. These modes include Deathmatch, 1-on-1, Capture the Flag, Control, and two unannounced modes. Furthermore, the online multiplayer download will bring split-screen offline and online to the game, which would be an interesting addition…heck, all of this sounds interesting. But unfortunately, none of it is even remotely true.

Chief Design Ninja developer has officially debunked this rumor, according to Gamers-Creed:

"This is a fake. There is not a shred of truth in this. Sorry guys!"

Well, that's pretty cut and dry. So for now, ignore all rumors regarding online multiplayer for Heavenly Sword , and just be happy that the game – in general – is looking great.

Related Game(s): Heavenly Sword