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Media Create Japan Hardware Sales: July 2nd-July 8th

It looks like the launch of My Summer Vacation 3 may have been
responsible for the slight boost in sales that the PlayStation 3
has been seeing in the past few weeks now. Sales of the console
have risen once more, though by only about 800 units. Regardless,
with Hot Shots Golf 5 looming in the next week, on top of a
limited edition PS3 bundle featuring Hot Shots Golf 5, we expect
to see the largest bump in sales for the console since Gundam
Musou. Moving on, inconsistent supply continues to fluctuate the
sales of the Nintendo DS, but the handheld remains on top with
139k moved. The Wii seems to have found its groove, as Nintendo
moved 75k off the shelves and into customer hands.

Nintendo DS 139,286
Nintendo Wii 75,279
Sony PSP 32,946
Sony PS2 14,120
Sony PS3 12,691
Xbox 360 2,370

June 25th-July 1st:

Nintendo DS 157,480
Nintendo Wii 73,919
Sony PSP 38,305
Sony PS2 16,316
Sony PS3 11,914
Xbox 360 3,154