The PlayStation Premier in Tokyo is clearly a big hit, and there's plenty of news going around. Two of the latest game reports center on a couple exclusives for the PS3; they're both continuations of critically acclaimed franchises, too.
The first is the announcement of Disgaea 3 for the PS3, by Nippon Ichi Software. No further details were released, but we do know that the first two represented some of the finest RPG/strategy gaming of the generation. As deep as deep can be, the two titles were big hits among hardcore fans of the genre, and we're certainly hoping this third entry in the series isn't too far off. Early 2008, perhaps…?
Next up is – as if you didn't see this one coming – a new Dynasty Warriors . Koei just unveiled the game today, and we can expect more information at this year's Tokyo Game Show. There is one somewhat confusing part of this announcement, though- the game will be called Dynasty Warriors 5 in Japan and Dynasty Warriors 6 in the U.S. Now, that's bound to cause some reporting issues over the next few months, but at least we found out ahead of time.
These are only two of the new games on display today; there were others. One of which is a new PS3 exclusive developed by Sega; we're currently trying to locate as many reliable details as possible on that one. Stay tuned!