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E3 2007: UT 3 A Timed PS3 Exclusive (UPDATED)

Update: As far as we know, this game is still scheduled for the Xbox 360, but it won't be available until 2008. Unreal Tournament 3 for the PS3 will be here for 2007.

Original Story:

In perhaps the biggest announcement of the day, Sony's Jack Tretton announced that Epic's hugely anticipated FPS, Unreal Tournament 3 would be exclusive to the PS3…well, a timed exclusive at least. The details remain just a bit hazy.

Tretton said that one of the primary appeals of the PS3 UT 3 is that it will allow gamers to transfer user-created mods and other content from the PC to the PS3, which should mean the game will also arrive on the PC (as expected). Also, it was previously confirmed that UT 3 would release first on the PS3 and then follow on the Xbox 360, and that remains true. However, what we need to find out is whether or not this is an actual exclusive or if it's just a timed exclusive, which we already knew.

As soon as we can get a clarification on this issue, we will provide an update, but until then, the news is good- at the bare minimum, Unreal Tournament 3 is a timed exclusive, and it's scheduled for this year.

Related Game(s): Unreal Tournament 3