Konami has just announced their lineup of games to be displayed starting
tomorrow at E3. Unfortunately, the lineup doesn't include the one Konami title
everyone was hoping to play: Metal Gear Solid 4. This could possibly indicate
that the game isn't ready to be shown to the public, and thus, will likely not
be seeing a 2007 release. Regardless, Konami will be showing off the following
for Sony's platforms:
Castlevania: The Dracula X Chronicles
Release date: Fall 2007
Genre: Action
Platform: PSP system
Dance Dance Revolution SuperNOVA 2
Release date: Fall 2007
Genre: Music
Platform: PlayStation 2
Hellboy The Science of Evil (working title)
Release date: 2007
Platform: PLAYSTATION 3, PSP system
Konami Kids Playground
Release date: Fall 2007
Genre: Edutainment
Platform: PlayStation 2
Silent Hill® Origins
Release date: Fall 2007
Genre: Horror/Action
Platform: PSP system
Seems a bit lackluster, doesn't it? Well, we hope that there are some surprises
in store…or something.