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Pre-E3 2007: Sony Streaming Live Conference

There may be a limited attendance at E3, but that doesn't mean the live conferences won't be seen by a lot of people. Why? Sony has announced they'll be streaming their presentation live online, much to the delight of everyone anxiously awaiting the possibility of big news (or big hints) at the conference.

Sony's presentation begins on Wednesday, July 11 at 11:30 AM PDT, and at that time, a live feed will pop up on the official PlayStation website. So if you're an avid gamer and you want to stay on top of everything E3, make sure to tune in at the right time. You should be able to see the conference as if you were actually there…but sorry, they'll only accept questions from those who are actually there (ha, ha).

The good news doesn't end there, though. Sony has also said we can expect to see E3 content appear on the PlayStation Store immediately following the conclusion of their press conference. That's right, they've got you covered every which way!