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Sources: PS3 Price Drop at E3 (UPDATED)

UPDATE: Still nothing official from Sony, but has received confirmation from the retail sector that the PS3 will indeed be dropped to $499 next week. A merchandising manager at "one of the world's biggest retailers" made the confirmation, and said it will go into effect on JULY 12. The first wave of ads will kick off on July 15, but we're letting you know now: the time for a PS3 purchase has come, we believe.

Original Story :

The rumor started with Circuit City and their leaked information indicating a PS3 price cut. Of course, without an official confirmation from Sony, we can't call it anything more than a rumor. However, if the Sony Protection Group is accurate, Sony has indeed issued the confirmation.

According to the site, Sony has confirmed the price drop: the 60GB PS3 will drop to $499 after E3 has concluded. Thing is, the site doesn't link to or mention their source – which we'd have to assume is Sony – so we still can't be sure. But it's another major hint, even if it's not real, because if you combine this with the Circuit City info, it almost seems inevitable now. Sony chairman Howard Stringer also confirmed a PS3 price drop this year, although some guessed it wouldn't be until the fall.

Okay, so now we're expecting one of two things to happen: 1. it's true, and Sony will make the official announcement at E3, or 2. it's not true, and Sony will immediately issue a response that debunks the flying rumors. We'll be sure to let you know what happens, but for now, we're guessing at option number one…