What will the PlayStation Network have in store this summer? Well, you can probably expect to see some E3 coverage, and on top of that, some very highly anticipated demos.
Factor 5 still swears we'll see a playable demo of Lair this month, which we thought might arrive in June. The game's official release date sits at August 14, so a demo this month would go a long way towards increasing gamer interest. We have no idea when in July we'll see this demo, but there's a rumor circulating that it will arrive during E3, which would be perfect. It'd be just another reason to peruse the Store next week, and it would coincide with any new information they decide to reveal at the event.
But the next demo is news to us: apparently, Ninja Theory's sweet-looking Heavenly Sword should be arriving in demo form as well. They didn't say when, but popular speculation says "very soon," especially if they plan to use E3 to their advantage. This one is scheduled to hit the U.S. on September 4, so again, a demo earlier this summer would be a darn good idea. We've been hearing a lot about Heavenly Sword 's engaging gameplay and very capable flame-haired heroine, so we'd love to get our hands on a demo.
Furthermore, Sony is in the midst of the closed Home beta, and the Warhawk beta seemed to be a big success. To add to the beta craze, it seems that Rag Doll Kung Fu's Network title, LittleBigPlanet , may also go through a beta testing phase some time soon. We're supposed to be hearing more about this charming little title at E3, so perhaps they're also planning the beta this month as well…?
Whatever happens, you should expect to see a ton of content landing on the PlayStation Store this month (and this summer), and that can't possibly be a bad thing.
Related Game(s): Lair , Heavenly Sword