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First Voice Actor Revealed For GTA IV

We can't wait to hear who Rockstar gets to voice their virtual actors in Grand Theft Auto IV , and the first one has finally been revealed. Her name is Ruslana, the gorgeous Ukranian singer who is apparently en route to New York City to voice one of GTA IV's major characters.

Rockstar has not said which character at this time, but the popular speculation on the Internet is that it's Elizabeta, whom you have seen snippets of in the screenshots and trailers. Furthermore, we know Ruslana will be providing some of her own music for the soundtrack, and that'll definitely add some appreciated flavor. Remember, we've heard this game will be more realistic and more story-driven than any GTA installment so far, so she may have quite a few lines.

And besides, after hearing how great – and how crucial – professional voice actors can be after enjoying The Darkness , it's good to see Rockstar recruiting real talent. Well, we assume that if she can sing, she has a pretty talented voice…right? We'll let you know when they announce more actors for Grand Theft Auto IV .

Related Game(s): Grand Theft Auto IV