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Media Create Japan Hardware Sales: June 18th-24th

Almost a repeat of what happened last week, the hardware chart
seems to have remained largely the same. With the exception of a
large boost for the DS, and the X360 going back to its usual
sales numbers – the remaining consoles barely even budged. The DS
saw a tremendous increase to 164k in sales, while the Xbox 360 is
back down to familiar territory with 3400k sold. The PS3 is still
struggling, with 9581k sold. With Hot Shots Golf 5 approaching
release and featuring a bundle with the PS3, that should
hopefully move some units for Sony. In the past, the most recent
console iterations of Hot Shots have debuted with nearly half a
million sold within their first two weeks of sales. The franchise
is clearly a powerhouse in Japan, and hopefully we'll see its
impact in three weeks on the PS3.

Nintendo DS 163,918
Nintendo Wii 65,582
Sony PSP 32,984
Sony PS2 11,962
Sony PS3 9,581
Xbox 360 3,369

June 11-17th:

Nintendo DS 118,684
Nintendo Wii 65,521
Sony PSP 33,359
Sony PS2 11,974
Sony PS3 9,481
Xbox 360 7,583